And we're loving it.
We focus on tech and its needs.
We design training programs based on the needs of the tech market. Our courses are delivered by tech professionals and focus on tech industry jobs and methods.
We keep improving thanks to you.
We gather feedback from all participants on each hour of training, and improve it each time. No lesson is delivered the same twice.
We make sure you gain real-world experience. Each of our training programs includes hands-on practice so you can gain experience and create products you can show potential employers.
We teach only what is required.
Our training programs are designed to be effective and intensive, and every lesson is delivered for the benefit of our students.
We maintain the Jolt DNA.
Our training programs include business administration, entrepreneurship, creative thinking, and personal development. Our graduates are people that employers love to employ.
We keep our fingers on the pulse.
We only teach current materials relevant to the tech industry and update them every lesson, sometimes a few days apart.
We make sure you are a good fit.
Our training program only accepts those who are thought to be a good fit for the positions we are training for.
We help startups of all sizes quickly recruit skilled, top-quality personnel through our Career Center and intimate acquaintance with each candidate. Jolt’s admission requirements and the intensity of our courses allow a high rate of matching.
We help companies integrate the “startup method” into the areas of management, commercial, marketing, customer service and sales, as well as into their teams, in order to improve, become more efficient and develop their employees.
We work in close cooperation with the governments of Israel and the United Kingdom to train a large number of people for tech positions, support industry growth and enable labor mobility.
We help educational institutions around the world connect their students to the market reality through Jolt’s focused workshops and training programs.
We’ve built actual tech bootcamps for the Israeli military intelligence.
Since 2015 we’ve been building tech bootcamps in Silicon Valley, UK and Israel.
Ed Tech executive with 15 years of experience in the intersection between the future of work, education and technology
Executive education that fits around your lifestyle.
In as little as few weeks, Jolt turns digital novices into skilled tech and business leaders by giving them a combination of real-world experience — taught by global tech experts — and sought-after skills that today's modern employers are crying out for.
NAMBA, an alternative to the MBA that is affordable, less time-consuming, and laser-focused on teaching the skills that business people actually need.
The learning experiences are designed to be intimate, interactive, and topics of importance to the individual students.
Executive education that fits around your lifestyle.
The learning experiences are designed to be intimate, interactive, and topics of importance to the individual students.
Giving people the skills they need to succeed in a tech start-up, whether in marketing, sales or operations.
There's a pressure for companies to be commercial and drive revenue towards profitability. The way they're going to do that isn't by hiring loads of developers but by hiring more sales people, marketers, people in operations who can help drive businesses to become more efficient, drive revenue and drive more customers
Jolt is an international startup that teaches its curricula worldwide. We specialize in business-oriented positions in the tech industry, recognized by various institutional bodies, such as: